
Cube Reviews

These are reviews of cubes that I currently own.  I have included a picture of the cube along with a description of my opinion of the cube.  These are opinions and other people will most likely review these same cubes differently.

Lan Lan 2x2

Lan Lan 2x2

This cube is a good beginner 2x2.  They are much better than the Rubik's brand.  It can usually be characterized by it's purple stickers instead of orange.
The turning is smooth but is not slick.  The corner cutting is moderate.
Overall: This cube is great for beginners, upgrade to the following cubes if you can.

Witeden WiTwo

This is the most commonly used 2x2 in the speedcubing community.  It can be recognized by the larger smoothed holes between the pieces in the middle of each side.  I purchased the Lubix modified, which is on the left, then I purchased and modified my own stickerless, which is on the right.
Turning is smooth and can become slick with improper lubing.  Corner cutting is amazing, it out cuts any other 2x2 cube by far.
Overall:  This cube is the cream of the crop for 2x2's.  It is the cube used by all of the World Record holders.

Dayan 2 Guhong

Dayan 5 Zhanchi

42 mm variant
Size comparison

Ghost Hand II


V Cubes

Dayan 4 Lunhui

Dianshen Mini




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