Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I know that I have very few visitors.  From page tracking I know that my 2x2 guide is the most viewed.  From this, I assume that most viewers are beginners.  One of the biggest questions I get from beginners is where do I get my cubes.
I get my cubes from HK Now Store.  This is a Honk Kong based puzzle store that has an extensive stock at very good prices.  I have a link on the left side of the blog if you are interested in purchasing cubes.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

General Introduction

I can solve the 3x3 Rubik's using the CFOP and Roux methods.
I solve larger cubes by reduction.
On 4x4 I use 32223 edges and intuitive centers.

2x2 1.80
3x3 24.37
4x4 2:47.16
5x5 never timed myself since I don't have a good one
6x6 never timed myself since I don't have a good one
7x7 very slow, laughable

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Getting Started

Alright, I am new to this.  I am working on getting this up and running properly.  Videos are in production and will be uploaded to YouTube.  Tutorials will be written over the next 2 weeks and videos with text explanation will be posted.
For now, my YouTube account is: youtube.com/user/uberzj